Image Galeery feature: Is there a way to change the path of the child sites so that when images are uploaded from child sites it points to root folder path?

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5/6/2014 12:56:46 AM
Total Posts 36

Image Galeery feature: Is there a way to change the path of the child sites so that when images are uploaded from child sites it points to root folder path?

We have created couple of child sites using single installation multi site feature. We are facing issue with image gallery feature. I want when image is uploaded from parent site it should be visible in all the child sites since content and menu is same in all the sites except skins. But this is not happening as of now, we need to upload image from each and every site. Is there a way to change the path of the child sites so that when images are uploaded from child sites it points to root folder path?

5/6/2014 11:20:06 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Galeery feature: Is there a way to change the path of the child sites so that when images are uploaded from child sites it points to root folder path?

mojoPortal is designed to keep site content separated, but you can use IIS virtual directories to make the different site folders point to a single location.

ie you could copy and remove the existing media folder from under /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/media then for each site make a virtual directory in IIS at the same location but pointing to a different physical folder. in other words replace the physical media folder for each site with a virtual folder named media that points to a central location.

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