Newsletter Templates.

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1/18/2008 7:09:28 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Newsletter Templates.

Joe, I do not know exactly where to post this question, so I posted it here. If you would like it posted soomewhere else I will copy and post it there too. I have been working the last couple of days trying to create a workable template for the newsletter, but have ran into a couple of problems. I have been reading in the suggestions that you made in the list and have been trying to duplicate what I am reading. I have down loaded a free webmail template from I have made changes to it and everything looks real good except for one problem I have emailed it to myself and it strips out all the padding for the cells and then replaces them with cellpadding code I am not familiar with. I am going to send a preview of it to you so you can see what I am talking about. I also have no images on it just to keep from that area of problems.

1/19/2008 9:43:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter Templates.

Hi Thomas,

After looking at your example I think what I would try is to put style="padding:8px;" on your td elements in your template.

Hope it helps,


5/9/2008 5:19:32 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: Newsletter Templates.

I have been following the progress at Email Standards, it looks like they are getting some where with it. However, there are a couple that still are not changing, such as gmail, I like gmail, but they get a lot of new features, but nothing to improve html mail. Does anyone know how to contact them to encourage them to improve in this area? I could produce a great number of good newsletter templates, if I did not have to resort to tables. I have tried a couple without tables and gmail just completely destyroys them. Even with inline styles it still creates a mess.

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