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Thanks for the suggestions. That's a fairly complete list from my research.
I'm failing to fix this, so I'll be backing off from it for a while and giving it another go later.
What I know which doesn't fix it:
As you can see, I've tried a few avenues. There may be one or two more tricks I can pull out of my sleeve, but not until I've thought of them. My next step will probably be a fresh 2.4 install by itself to determine whether something in my directory is causing the issue.
Looks like something I did may have worked. I am still getting viewstate errors when using the browser on the local machine to log in, but I've finally got the browsers on other machines to log in. I first got it working with a new 2.4 install, but it also appears to be working with my upgraded site as well, again just not from the local machine's browser.
This may be victory, we'll see how it works for other people next. I'm ok with the issue so long as it's constrained to the server's browser.
Despite the lingering issue with IE on the server itself, I'm going to call this one closed.
Apparently a fresh Server 2008 R2 install with .net 4.5.1 does not necessarily have the proper registrations with IIS, since I believe it was either the install repair or the uninstallation and reinstallation of 4.5.1 from the programs and features control panel which did the trick. Either way, if you run into this issue, do your testing from a browser on a system other than the server.
So you were right the first time, Joe, it's just that MS didn't live up to their end of the bargain it looks like. Thanks for all of your pointers.
Just bought you a beer. Sure wish I could have done it with bitcoin. :)
Thanks for the beer! Glad to hear you got it working!
I know I have run into problems before on servers where if .NET framework was installed before IIS was installed then things didn't get registered correctly/fully for ASP.NET in IIS.