Content Wizard Content Placement Option

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3/7/2014 3:02:08 PM
Total Posts 92

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Content Wizard Content Placement Option

Hey Joe,

Having an option to for what content panel a module is placed when the Content Wizard is used would be a nice feature.


3/11/2014 11:47:12 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Content Wizard Content Placement Option

Hi Elijah,

That is only used when a page has no content at all, and it would seem very unusual to put the first/main content of a page anywhere except the middle panel so from my point of view it seems like it would just add something unnecessary there and it is more user friendly to keep it simple and not show unnecessary things.

Even if we implement an option to show the panel list dropdown I would make it not show it by default. I'm not opposed to making it possible if you really need it though, just trying to understand why you want that.



3/11/2014 12:08:41 PM
Total Posts 92

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Content Wizard Content Placement Option

Hi Joe,

For me it was just content workflow.  Copying a site over from an static HTML site is slightly easier starting from the top and working my way down with the top content going to the top pane and then down from there.  Having this option would have freed up a few steps for me is all.

I understand your point on where the content is going though.  It's not a huge problem for me either way, I just thought it could be useful.

Thanks Joe,


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