Hi Joe I have a custom app that resides below my mojoportal installation something like: mydomain.com --> this is the mojoportal site and mydomain.com/mycustomapp --> this is my app
I want to use mojo authentication for my custom app, so the transition between mojo and my app was seamless to users, i need not only the username but also a couple of custom profile properties that I store in mojo.
I read a couple of days about this and came out with some ideas, but I want to know what you think about it.
1. I can enable Cross App Redirects for make my app use mojo authentication cookie (In this case I dont know how to insert the code needed for the redirection in a menu link in mojo)
2. Pass the user and psw in the url redirect and make my app call the mojo Authentication service. (this work but I dont feel well passing this data in a url query)
3. Create my own SingleSignOne service and pass in the redirect link a code that I store in the user properties and use that code in my service to validate if the user is valid.
Thanks in advance for you advice