This is a forum to suggest new features for mojoPortal.
This is a very small request.
When the forgot passsword function is used you are left on a page saying that the password has been emailed, there should be a link or button to click on to go back to the home page I think (or the page from where you log in). Now this is a dead end and you need to type in a new url or use the browser's back button at least twice.
Link to the standard login-page is not the best when using the login-module on another page, so you should be returned to that one if possible.
On this site I use passwords in clear text and do not use email as login-name or any of the security questions.
Maybe it is different with other user/password settings.
There should always be a home link at the top and the site title or logo should also link to home. If not logged in there should also be a login link visible at all times.
Is that not sufficient or is that missing in your skin?
As I said, it is a minor request.
Problem is that the menu is not visible on this page, but it should be I think.
The SiteLogo is clickable and takes you home, but this is not obvious for everyone,
Otherwise, the main menu is visible on all pages, but this particular page does not render the menu. If the menu is visible in this page, there is no problem. Pherhaps the menu should be enabled, like it is on the search page.
I have removed some items from the top menu in layout.master.
I do not agree that this must be present if you have the menu and I also do not think that a login-link must be visible on all pages. Login-option is there when you need it, that is selecting a page with information for logged in users.
I have a page called "Member pages" and on that there is the login module and a html-module with description and when you are logged in this info is not shown and instead there is other content visible. When logged in, there are subpages to this page available.
No big deal, but it would be nice if the menu is shown on the standard login page and the password rrecovery page.
Hi Mats,
You can do this by adding these in user.config:
<add key="HideMenusOnPasswordRecoveryPage" value="false"/> <add key="HideMenusOnLoginPage" value="false"/>
Ah, great!
Thank you.