Image Upload

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1/14/2008 12:33:06 PM
Total Posts 30

Image Upload

I uploaded an image from my desktop to the portal, when I tried to view it in the page, I cannot see. I can only see alternate text. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

1/14/2008 12:39:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Upload


Were you able to see it in the editor before you saved the content? If you go back into edit view is it still there?

If you view the source of the page does the url for the image look correct?

If you uploaded it while using the VS Web server and then are trying to view it using IIS, it may not have got the correct file permissions or it may have the incorrect port in the url. If using IIS then find the file in the file system, right click it and make sure ASPNET user has permission on the file.

I've got to run an errand but will be back shortly and will look for new replies.

Best Regards,


1/14/2008 12:44:38 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Image Upload

No, I was not able to see it in the editor window also. I am using VS not IIS

1/14/2008 1:16:37 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Image Upload

Realized, it did not bring in the port number when uploading the image. manually added the port, and it is working good.

1/14/2008 2:49:44 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Upload


After looking into this I realized I may have introduced a minor bug when upgrading to the new FCKeditor or in implementing the Newsletter.

It is using fully qualified urls for the images when it should use relative urls. I'm pretty sure it used to use relative urls so I'm guessing it happened while implemeting newsletter.

In editing Newsletters we do want fully qualified urls for images but for content within the site relative urls are prefereable and would prevent this issue. I will make a configuration setting so that it can use the fully qualified urls in newsletters but relative urls in the site content.

This should be fixed in svn trunk by tomorrow morning.



1/14/2008 4:19:50 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Upload

I did get this working so that it uses relative urls for images in the content system and fully qualified in the newsletter. Its in my svn sandbox now, by morning or perhaps later tonight it will be in trunk and if you right click the top level folder and do svn update it will pull down the new files and then you can rebuild the solution to get the fix.



1/14/2008 6:10:35 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Upload

This fix is available now in svn trunk.



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