Limit title tag length

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1/13/2014 6:33:09 PM
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Limit title tag length

Hi Joe, I'm going through our sites with the Microsoft IIS SEO toolkit. I'm mainly looking for broken links and other issues, but I did see it mentioned that title tags shouldn't be longer than 65 characters (maybe 70). We have quite a few that are longer than this in our blog posts (because of distributed user access to post news releases). Would it be possible to put in a warning or error when the specified blog title is over 65 characters long?



1/14/2014 10:03:32 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Limit title tag length

Hi Jamie,

To me this idea that titles should not exceed 65 or 70 chars is just a guideline. I would go by is the title meaningful, is it concise, does it have superfluous words, and if so then maybe it needs to be reduced but I would not otherwise change titles arbitrarily to meet the guideline in absence of one of these more relevant issues. SEO is not the be all and end all reason for making decisions, I would focus more on meeting the needs of the actual visitor than the search bots. But if you feel that users are not making good quality titles, it is also best to give the users some guidelines about that, ie a content style guide or something of that nature might help.

The database field for blog post titles holds 255 characters and the textbox has that as the maxlength. In trying to think of a low effort way to help you I could easily make it possible to override the maxlength on the textbox for blog titles by a config setting so that you could set a smaller limit there if you want to.

Would that satisfy your need? Otherwise more complex solutions that require more work would be very low priority for me vs other things that need to be worked on.



1/14/2014 10:29:35 AM
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Re: Limit title tag length

Hey Joe, a config setting would be great, but no rush on that. I agree that the limit is more of a guideline, and I'm going to start with some education for the users. 


1/14/2014 11:24:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Limit title tag length

Things that require trivial effort I like to get out of the way rather than let them accumulate, so I just implemented this in my copy so it will be in the coming release.

You can put this in user.config and set it to your own value of 255 of less, and it will work after the next upgrade.

<add key="Blog:PostTitleMaxLength" value="255"/>



1/14/2014 11:28:46 AM
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Re: Limit title tag length

Thanks Joe, that's awesome.


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