Adding an empty html page (without the standard menus etc)

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10/31/2013 5:37:51 AM
Total Posts 17

Adding an empty html page (without the standard menus etc)


Is it possible to somehow add an empty html page without the standard skin and menu links, headers, footers etc?

The motivation for this is say I want to add a link to a javascript web game which takes the whole screen.  I would like to easily remove the rest of the stuff and just add a custom link in my page to get me back to the main site.

I can do this in javascript by rendering elements invisible, but I was wondering if there is a cleaner solution.


thanks for any suggestions!


10/31/2013 6:33:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Adding an empty html page (without the standard menus etc)

See Linking to External Pages

Hope that helps,


11/1/2013 8:35:57 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Adding an empty html page (without the standard menus etc)

Joe, thanks for your quick reply!


Just a quick followup,  I understand based on the link you provided how to do it.  However if I understand correctly  I would need to FTP my .htm page somewhere in the site and then add the link to it.  There is no way currently to somehow exploit the CMS editors to build my page and store it?



11/1/2013 11:21:23 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Adding an empty html page (without the standard menus etc)

That is correct, mojoPortal doesn't produce any static html files and has no tools for editing or creating them.

11/5/2013 11:04:12 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Adding an empty html page (without the standard menus etc)

ok thanks again.  I have added the page, and then applied your suggestion, but there is an issue.  I would like to add the page in the website directories (else I need another domain).


The issue is I think a setting needs to be changed somewhere to allow static pages, because I am getting an error page which suggests that the http modules are seeing the .html extension and throwing a not found error even though the page is present.


Is there an easy way to work around this?


It definitely works when I put the page in another domain, but this is unfortunate since it changes the main URL.

11/6/2013 8:29:36 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Adding an empty html page (without the standard menus etc)

nothing in mojoportal causes a 404 error for static resources that exist, if you enter the correct fully qualified url for a static html file it should work

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