Mobile Kit on Emulator

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10/25/2013 3:18:14 AM
Total Posts 220

Mobile Kit on Emulator


because I have no smartphone, but intend to install the Mobile Kit on a friend's website, I'm testing to be able to control what I am doing. looks and work as intended (I think) on the emulator.
On the Menu tab and the Tools tab do not work, and the menu and the tools are located under the content.
Can anyone confirm this with a Smartphone on or is this a bug of the emulator?


10/25/2013 10:57:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mobile Kit on Emulator

Hi Matthias,

I don't know anything about the emulator but the demo site is working correctly on my iphone.

For testing without a phone I use a Firefox browser extension called User Agent Switcher which allows me to make Firefox pass the same user agent string as iphone to trigger use of the mobile skin, then I just adjust the window size of the browser.

Note that Mobile Kit only officially support iphone, android phone, windows phone so if you use an emulator use one that emulates one of those devices. Blackberry though not officially supported is reported to work ok by others.



10/25/2013 1:02:45 PM
Total Posts 220

Re: Mobile Kit on Emulator

Hi Joe,

I thought so, that it is a mistake of the emulator.
I will, as you suggest, try the plugin from Firefox.

I think my friends will buy the kit :-)


10/25/2013 2:41:46 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mobile Kit on Emulator

Thanks as always for the beer! Much appreciated.



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