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The existing instructions for configuring PostgreSQL for mojoPortal look like they were writting for PostgreSQL 7.4 and then an attempt was made to change them to work with PostgreSQL 8.x. Those changes -- adding "-i" and poking a hole in firewall -- are not necessary for a local installation and just make the machine vulnerable to any future remotely exploitable hole in the PostgreSQL server.
At this point PostgreSQL 7.4 should be considered ancient; the most recent stable version is PostgreSQL 8.2. It is highly unlikely that anyone is installing mojoPortal on a system with something before PostgreSQL 8.0. The correct configuration instructions would have step 4 say:
4) Ensure that mojo can connect through tcpip:
If your database server and webserver are on the same machine, add these 2 lines to the the top of /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf to create the least privileged settings for mojo to connect from the local machine.
host mojoportal mojo ::1/128 password host mojoportal mojo password
If your database server and webserver are on different machines, make sure the firewall on the database server machine is open to tcp traffic on port 5432 from the webserver and see the PostgreSQL documentation for details on setting listen_addresses in postgresql.conf and setting up pg_hba.conf to allow access from remote hosts.
Thanks Dean, I've updated the document.
You don't need the part that says:
in /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf: listen_addresses = '*'
if everything is on the same machine. The default is to accept connections on the loopback interface. Using:
listen_addresses = '*'
will cause it to accept connections on other interfaces as well. If everything is on the same machine that just unnecessarily increases the attack surface.
Hi Dean,
Thats all true, but I need to connect from other machines on my local network and I think this is a common scenario.
I'll add a note that that part is only required to allow listening on all ip addresses.