Not all menu tabs are visible.

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10/11/2013 4:04:51 PM
Total Posts 77

Not all menu tabs are visible.

This is my first mojoPortal project and I have been busy adding pages & RSS feeds etc with the "site is closed" checkbox ticked.

I now have nine tabs and most of them have several sub-pages that show up on the mouse-over drop down menus. Very Nice!

I have just run a "live test" by un-checking the "site is closed" checkbox and then viewing the site in another browser.

To my surprise , three of the top level menu tabs did not show up in the test.

Nine tabs show in admin mode but, counting from the left,  tabs 2, 4 and 6 are not visible in "live test" mode.

Any clues on what might be causing this behavior?



Note: I'm running with art41-wallpaper


10/12/2013 6:24:54 AM
Total Posts 77

Re: Not all menu tabs are visible.

OK - Problem solved.
Today I learned the significance of the "All Users" checkbox in the page security tab! enlightened


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