Non-Existent URL

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9/28/2013 6:02:00 PM
Total Posts 9

Non-Existent URL

I don't want to put this in as a bug because I think it probably isn't.

I ran a site analysis using the built-in IIS Manager Site Analysis feature, and it keeps telling me I'll have SEO problems because of a broken URL:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Much Ado" ref="" />

If I look at the page source, that link isn't on the page.  Is it generated by one of the scripts?  "blog30rss.aspx" isn't a physical file as far as I can see.

I'm not terribly worried about it.  More curious than anything else.


9/29/2013 10:58:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Non-Existent URL

Hi Dan,

That link should be in the meta data inside the head element if you view the source of the page containing your blog. If you google for "rss feed autodiscovery" you can learn about its purpose. 

The url itself should work so maybe that is what it is complaining about if it doesn't, but other than that it should not affect seo.

Current version of mojoportal uses a different format for the feed url but older versions used a format like what you posted,  the friendly url was created automatically upon making the first blog post in older versions so the url could be on the page but not work if there are no posts. In newer versions of mojoportal we use a feed url in the format:


​which does correspond to a real url.

Hope that helps,


10/1/2013 2:53:53 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Non-Existent URL

I guess I'll upgrade and see what happens.  :)

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