Numeric limit to "Sort Rank" settings? And Documentation tip?

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9/25/2013 9:16:43 AM
Total Posts 29

Numeric limit to "Sort Rank" settings? And Documentation tip?

I have made an entry at the following Forum location to help people sort List/Link items by date:

TIP: Sorting Items with "Sort rank" setting, by Date

My question is-- What is the numeric limit to the "Sort Rank" field? As you can see, my tip tells people to set the Sort Rank to a value using up to six digits, for year, month, and day. Also negative values for sorting most recent items first.

My feature request may not be needed, but I am asking you to be sure that the Sort Rank value cannot be overrun by six-digit positive/negative integer values.

Also, if you like the idea, you might add this tip into the documentation for any feature using the "Sort Rank" field. If editors do it this way with the creation of each item, sorting by date is handled from the start.

9/25/2013 12:18:13 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Numeric limit to "Sort Rank" settings? And Documentation tip?

Sorting may be handled differently or similarly in different features so any documentation would need to be specific to the feature.

The way it works in the List/Links feature is that it sorts by the ViewOrder field (which corresponds to the Sort Rank label) and then by the Title of the link. By default the ViewOrder is 500 and if never modified that leads to links being sorted alphabetically since ViewOrder is the same in every row. So an item can be moved down the list by a lower sort rank or up the list by a higher one. The field itself is of data type int so it has whatever limits go along with sql int data type.

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