Version Update - procedure and effects?

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9/24/2013 6:54:22 AM
Total Posts 77

Version Update - procedure and effects?

Two days ago, my hosting provider ran their mojoPortal msi and I have been working hard on customization since then.

An hour ago, I found out that the msi installed version MSSQL (version date = 18 April 2012)

However, since, you have added some useful new features that require version to be installed.

Please let me know the procedure for installing

- will I have to redo the customization work that I have done so far?
- will I have to delete the existing database and create a new one?



9/24/2013 10:26:00 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Version Update - procedure and effects?


What do you mean by customization? What have you customized?

If you have only customized your skin and added content to the site, you can upgrade the site by following the instructions on the "Upgrading from Previous Versions" page.

If you have customized any mojoPortal files which aren't skinning files, you will need to note which files you have changed and what you have changed and then follow the upgrade steps. After upgrading you'll need to make all of your changes again. What you have done in this scenario is forked mojoPortal so upgrading isn't easy.

Joe D.

9/24/2013 11:24:58 AM
Total Posts 77

Re: Version Update - procedure and effects?

When I say "customized", I just mean that I have done things like adding a few pages, blogs & forums,

edited the standard currency to be GBP and made minor changes to the layout.master.

Does that count as a "fork" ?





9/24/2013 11:38:16 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Version Update - procedure and effects?

Nope, that doesn't count as a fork. All you need to do to upgrade is follow the instructions in the "Upgrading from Previous Versions" article.

Joe D.

9/24/2013 11:56:36 AM
Total Posts 77

Re: Version Update - procedure and effects?

Thanks Joe, I'll get on with it.

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