mobile version not display correctly

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8/17/2013 2:15:07 PM
Total Posts 163

mobile version not display correctly


I noticed that if you select themes artisteer41 ... The mobile version does not display correctly as it is shown correctly if you choose the previous version artisteer31 ..

any solution?

8/20/2013 11:03:44 AM
Total Posts 163

Re: mobile version not display correctly

having received no response can someone help me?

8/20/2013 11:57:57 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mobile version not display correctly

You have not asked a clear question. I do not understand what you mean by your question.

You should give details and explain/describe the problem thoroughly and if possible post a link to see the problem or steps to reproduce or see the problem.

8/20/2013 12:08:19 PM
Total Posts 163

Re: mobile version not display correctly

in fact you're right joe.

artisteer31 versions of mobile devices around the site was scaled automatically. while in versions artisteer41 is not sized correctly and then the menu buttons overlap and are shown wrong.

I do not know if this is a problem or a bug, but this prevents me from using versions 41

8/20/2013 12:29:49 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mobile version not display correctly has Artisteer 4.1 skins and it works ok on ipad, only problem I see on there right now is they make the search box too big, but it works like they intend for the most part. They do some weird things with javascript to try to make it "responsive", so if it is not working on your site look for script errors in the page.

Also note that when you upgrade to new versions of mojoPortal, if you want the newest versions of the skins then you need to copy them from /Data/skins to /Data/[SiteID]/skins

You might not be using the latest version of Artisteer 4.1 skins, see also the article Important Skin Changes

For phones we use Mobile Kit Pro, I don't recommend using Artisteer skins for phone size screens, see also the article "Supporting Tablets and Phones".


8/20/2013 2:40:20 PM
Total Posts 163

Re: mobile version not display correctly

ok joe, thanks you so much

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