customize mojoMembershipProvider

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5/14/2013 3:19:21 AM
Total Posts 39

customize mojoMembershipProvider


I want to add new field in registration page with db validation(whether valid data provided or not, like email validation). Where can i validate that field before insert the data in db.

I validated the field in "RegisterUser_CreatingUser" method in register.aspx.cs file but its not happening.

finally, i found validations are done in "mojoMembershipProvider" class "createuser" method.


 public override MembershipUser CreateUser(
            string userName,
            string password,
            string email,
            string passwordQuestion,
            string passwordAnswer,
            bool isApproved,
            object providerUserKey,
           out MembershipCreateStatus status).

Where this method is called from and how can i pass additional params to this method.

or, how to handle this field validation ?

5/14/2013 7:34:40 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: customize mojoMembershipProvider


It sounds like you have modified the RegisterUser_CreatingUser method. Please do not do this. Modifying mojoPortal code is forking the code and leaves you (and your clients) without a smooth upgrade path and without support from this community.

You can easily add fields to the registration page and validate them (using regex) by following the instructions here.

Joe D.

5/14/2013 7:51:42 AM
Total Posts 39

Re: customize mojoMembershipProvider


Thanks for the info.

I have one doubt,

1) How to validate that field with db value on submit. Please give a sample


5/14/2013 8:00:04 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: customize mojoMembershipProvider


You can create your own UserControl (implementing ISettingControl) which validates the field based on other values in the DB. An example implementation is /Controls/GMapTypeSetting.ascx, which is used for choosing the map type in features that have Google maps. You can look at /Setup/applications/googlemap/FeatureDefinitions/50020_GoogleMapModule.config for an example configuration.

Using ISettingControl in Module Settings or in User Profiles is very similar. You store a single value in the DB and retreive that same value. You can do whatever you need to with the user-entered value before storing it.

Joe D.

5/14/2013 11:37:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: customize mojoMembershipProvider

In addition to what Joe Davis said, my advice is don't modify any mojoPortal code. Doing that will make it impossible to ever upgrade to new versions of mojoPortal without losing your modifications.

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