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I have a need to enable the full CKEditor toolbar for a junior school website (ie. < 8years old children).
The teachers want to select bright/different colours on the content.
What do I need to change to enable the color/font selection in the CKEditor ?
PS.. I would normally add new styles, but the junior school teachers want full font/color selection choice.
See Customizing the Editor Toolbars
Hope that helps,
hi, i'have the same problem with toolbar of editor i have try to modify ckeditor-mojoconfig.js control the correct path in web.config
but nothing, i change the file name and correct web.config nonthing nothing....
I must say that in older version i have no problem (with fckeditor) to change toolbar and i'can't add or remove button...
help me....
yesss... ok with tinymce...but with ckeditor zero result...
See this thread, maybe it will help you