Changing calendar "Get Ticket Text:" to a button

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4/30/2013 11:06:57 AM
Total Posts 167

Changing calendar "Get Ticket Text:" to a button

Hi all,

In event calendar I'm looking to make the "Get ticket text" stand out a bit more, ideally by relplaceing it with a button.

so looking at the CSS I have made the following changes (and other various around this idea), however has made no effect at all so are there any suggestions in how to do this

#ctl00_mainContent_ctl00_listViewer_rptEvents_ctl00_lnkRegister_lnkRegister a

{  font-size:38px;  
   background: url('/Data/Sites/4/GalleryImages/Thumbnails/seminarregistar.png') no-repeat;
 display: inline-block;
 height: 51px;
 width: 92px; }

5/2/2013 12:45:55 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Changing calendar "Get Ticket Text:" to a button


You don't need the "a" after the id selector since that is the id for the a, your selector for for an a inside an element with that id but there is no a inside the a, that is why it isn't working.

A more simple selector would be

div.registerlink a { }

Hope that helps,


5/4/2013 6:16:26 AM
Total Posts 167

Re: Changing calendar "Get Ticket Text:" to a button

Thanks for the tip, as you mention it may be better to use a better selctor as #ctl00_mainContent_ctl00_listViewer_rptEvents_ctl00_lnkRegister_lnkRegister only refers to one.

However on inspecting the page I can't seem to find or use div.registerlink in the registration page.

I can see:

a class="summary url"

span class="location"

span class="price"

The register link just has the ID and no surrounding div

Div class="eventdate"

Div class="eventtime"

could you let me know where I can find div.registerlink, I have searched but cannot find it.





5/6/2013 10:24:21 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Changing calendar "Get Ticket Text:" to a button

I thought you were talking about the link on the event detail view but I see now you are talking about List View.

You can edit the file /Events/Controls/RegisterLink.ascx and put a CssClass on the link there:

<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkRegister" runat="server" CssClass="registrationlink" />

I will do the same in my copy so it will be in the next release of Event Calendar Pro.

Then you can use

a.registrationlink { }

Hope that helps,


5/6/2013 2:21:10 PM
Total Posts 167

Re: Changing calendar "Get Ticket Text:" to a button

Absolutely, superb as always.

Many thanks

5/6/2013 2:36:01 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Changing calendar "Get Ticket Text:" to a button

Thanks for the beer!



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