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4/24/2013 4:04:22 PM
Total Posts 3


Please advise if it is possible to use FlickrNet in a custom feature.

I've dropped the flickrnet.dll into the Web project's bin folder and added a reference to it but I get the error message 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.' as soon as I add my new feature containing FlickrNet to a page. In fact, the Page_Load event does not get called before the error message is displayed.

Any input about the source of the error message would be appreciated.


4/24/2013 4:11:06 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: FlickrNet

Forgot to add that I'm also using the 'FlickrGallery' and 'FlickrSlideShow' in this same site without problems. In fact, the 'FlickrGallery' is on the same page as my failing FlickrNet custom feature.

4/25/2013 12:53:52 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FlickrNet

Anything that is possible at all in a web app is possible in a custom feature.

I don't know anything about that library but guessing from the error it sounds like some configuration is missing. I recommend read their documentation thoroughly and see if they require you to add any web.config settings. Or if you are configuring it from code you may need to do in OnInit rather than page load.

4/25/2013 2:11:11 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: FlickrNet

Appreciate your response but found the problem was mine and not in FlickrNet.

I was debugging the application behind a firewall that would not pass through the Flickr two-way handshaking required for authentication.


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