Audio Player

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4/2/2013 5:23:06 AM
Total Posts 59

Audio Player

Hi All,

I added a new instance of the audio player last night to a test site, and for some reason, I couldn't specify the mp3 track to play. There are two files, both approx 7mb each.

I browse to one of the mp3 files, click on the "Add..." button and it says at least one track must be added?!

Thanks for any help,


4/2/2013 9:28:45 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Audio Player

Its kind of a 2 step process, click to select the file then after the file is showing in the list click to create the track. This is because a track can support multiple files with different formats like ogg or mp3 etc.

Hope that helps,


4/2/2013 5:53:49 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Audio Player

Hi Joe,

I found the issue by chance. To the right of the Browse button is another button which is invisible for some reason, not sure why.

I can add files to the list now so it should work now.



4/3/2013 5:23:42 AM
Total Posts 2

Nivo/ Image Gallery slider does not work


I have tried to implement the Nivo slider using the Image Gallery, but it does not work on the Chrome and Firefox browser.  On the Explorer is much better, but I cannot change anything, it does not matter what values settings I have, the resultant is always the same. So I cannot change for instance the size of the images or other properties.

I have the version and I have followed the instructions, but I do not what is the problem. It seems very simple to implement this slider by using Image Gallery.

Is there anyone who has managed to implement this Nivoslider by Image Gallery?

Thanks for any help

4/3/2013 9:40:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Audio Player

Alvaro, your question is not at all related to the topic or content of this thread. Please help keep the forum organized with one topic per thread.

Andrew, you can solve your problem by css, use browser tools to see what css rule is making the button the same color as the background and override it.

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