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We have noticed that an event is removed from the RSS feed as soon as it hits its Start Time. This is a problem for all day events and/or events that span multiple days. For an all-day event that means it's removed at 12AM the day of the event. And consequently for multi-day events it is removed at the start time of the first day.
Can this please be changed to remove the event from the feed when the event hits its End Day and Time?
Thanks you
Hi Tim,
I'm seem to recall this having been addressed before. Are you using the latest versions of mojoPortal and Event Calendar Pro? If not you should upgrade and see if the problem is still there.
Hope that helps,
Joe, we are using Mojo and Calendar Pro Would the change have occurred after these versions? We try to wait to update all of our sites at the same time on a 6 month schedule. Looks like I can only download vs, which would require
Joe, I just tested Calendar Pro on the Mojo Demo site and the same problem occurs.
Thanks for verifying. I will log this in our project tracker and fix it before the next release of Event Calendar Pro. We should be shipping a new release of Event Calendar Pro at the same time as the next release of mojoPortal because we've updated to a new version of the AjaxControlToolkit and both mojoPortal and Event Calendar Pro must use the same version of it.
fyi, this is now fixed in the latest version of Event Calendar Pro, but it also requires the latest version of mojoPortal.