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I upgraded a site to version mssql-net40 and redirecting after registration no longer seems to work. I have this in the
<add key="PageToRedirectToAfterRegistration" value="~/select-team.aspx" />
I installed a fresh copy of mojoPortal and the redirect doesn't work there either, so it looks like a bug. The url contains the page I was on when clicking register like: http://mojoportal/Secure/Register.aspx?returnurl=%2fDefault.aspx and I am sent to the home page after registering.
I understand this isn't a recommended method to redirect after registering, but it's easy and works exactly the way we want for this particular site. Can you confirm this is a bug?
Thanks, Tom
Hi Tom,
Remove the ~ from your config setting and in the layout.master file of your skin on the <portal:RegisterLink add AutoDetectReturnUrl="false"
That should solve it.
Hope that helps,