You would need to have GoDaddy restore the db, but the file system also needs to be restored exactly as it was before the upgrade, which would requiring having a backup of the file system, deleting all the current files then restoring them from the backup.
If you can get the backup of the current db to me I can try to restore it here and take a look to confirm the problem suspicions and that "may" lead to an idea to solve it. You could zip it, put it on your server and send me a link at joe dot audette at g mail dotcom, then remove the file after I get it so no-one else can get the file.
You should be able to install on Windows 8 using platform installer unless it conflicts with an existing slq server installation on the machine. xp is pretty useless at this point.
It would be best to make a copy of both the db as it is currently and the one before upgrade available to me so I could compare them, but I would definitley want the backup of the db as it is right now.
I promise to delete the files after my investigation is complete.