another attempt.. Personal Page View

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11/12/2012 7:32:27 AM
Total Posts 8

another attempt.. Personal Page View

Once again I am confronted with a client that has a special interest in the functionality of MojoPortal. He is looking for an online platform for his employees to record their Resume and Skills.. I would love to help him out with this, but since the information is rather personal, it is necessary that every employee on an individual level will have access to his/her own private page.

Given the fact that in MojoPortal viewing pages is managed by roles, it appears to be impossible to adress to my clients needs :-(
I see two possible solutions:

1) The possibility to create a personal page (incl. underlying pages) for every new user (by choice) at the moment of creation of the new user account. Viewable and editable by individual user, viewable by Role

2) The possibility to have an indivual user to 'mark as role'. That would mean that user would become a Role that can view/edit pages..

I am wondering.. Am I the only one with this need for pages that can be viewed and edited by individual users? I'd say that it would be very very helpful in a lot of situations!

Kind regards,


11/12/2012 7:43:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: another attempt.. Personal Page View

mojoPortal has most of what people need for a business web site, it was never intended to scratch every possible itch.

If user resumes was an important feature to me I would build a custom feature that plugs into mojoPortal not try to use the existing features for it.

It would be easy to build a feature that detects the current user and retrieve his data from the database so he can only see and edit his own resume and perhaps admins could search and review/edit any resume, without making separate cms pages for each user.

The point is specialized needs generally require custom development, and a resume system is a specialized need. It is not soemthing I would expect in the box of a CMS.


11/12/2012 10:30:20 AM
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Re: another attempt.. Personal Page View

I have a somewhat similar project coming up, where vendors will be able to add themselves to a "bidder's list" and maintain their own contractor license and contact information. As Joe said, since this will require each user to have access to their own personal data, I will be building it as a custom feature that plugs into the site, is secured to only authenticated users, and enforces security on a per-user basis.


11/12/2012 1:14:05 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: another attempt.. Personal Page View

Hi Jamie, That sounds very promissing! Should it be possible to get in touch with eachother? Karlo
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