How to call a function while running the setup?

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10/27/2012 9:29:09 AM
Total Posts 18

How to call a function while running the setup?

Hello Joe,

Is there any way to call a function from business layer while running the Set Up?


10/27/2012 10:37:52 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to call a function while running the setup?

Not directly, but if you have a custom feature and you create a content installer for that feature then you could execute code from there.

Hope that helps,


10/28/2012 12:35:38 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: How to call a function while running the setup?

If you only need to call your function when creating a site, you could use the Site Created Event Handler. The handler isn't documented yet but it works the same way as the "User Registered" handler, which is documented here.

Joe D.

10/30/2012 8:55:50 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: How to call a function while running the setup?

Thanks for your help.
I have seen the document but I can't able to understand how can I call a function inside the content installer.
Can you please give me some example for calling a function in my content installer of my features.

And if I am using  Event Handler how it works.How can I call my function.For this also I need any example so that I can proceed in my work.




10/30/2012 9:40:31 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: How to call a function while running the setup?

The beauty is that you don't have to call the Event Handler yourself. The way it works is that once your handler is registered in the site, when the target event occurs, your function will be automatically run by the system. To see a sample Site Created event handler, take a look at:


Also study the document Joe D. linked, for more background and how to register your new custom handler in your site.


10/30/2012 1:03:08 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to call a function while running the setup?

I've just created the documentation Site Created Event Handlers

Hope that helps,


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