Missing Html Content Design Buttons

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10/23/2012 5:30:00 PM
Total Posts 59

Missing Html Content Design Buttons



Somehow I seem to have lost all of the features in the html content control.

Anyone seen this before? The website is fine on my local machine, and I'm sure it was fine in production but it seems to have just gone like this.

Thanks for any help.


10/23/2012 5:52:24 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Missing Html Content Design Buttons

Is this just a problem with one instance? If so, in the feature settings, make sure that "Use WYSIWYG Editor?" is checked. If that's unchecked, you are just editing the raw HTML code.

If it's a problem with all HTML instances, it could be that the version of the editor you've chosen is missing on disk. Take a look at the  editor BasePath keys in web.config, which look like the following examples, then make sure the specified location exists.

<add key="CKEditor:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/ckeditor365/"/>
<add key="TinyMCE:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/tiny_mce357/"/>

You should also go through the steps in Basic Troubleshooting to see if an error is getting thrown in the log.


10/24/2012 4:27:04 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Missing Html Content Design Buttons

It's a bit of a weird one. If I run the website in visual studio 2010 on my machine it's fine. I published it to my local disk, zipped it up, and unzipped it in the website root and I get the same time.

I've checked the log and there aren't any errors in there.

10/24/2012 4:28:00 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Missing Html Content Design Buttons

WYSIWYG is on by the way, and it's the same across all instances.

10/24/2012 4:30:27 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Missing Html Content Design Buttons

I have..

    <add key="TinyMCE:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/tiny_mce349/"/>

    <add key="CKEditor:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/ckeditor362/"/>

10/24/2012 4:31:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Missing Html Content Design Buttons

use browser dev tools to check for script errors and the network tab (ie in Firebug) to check whether its able to load the javascript, could be it doesn't have read permissions on the files. 

Hope that helps,


10/24/2012 4:46:15 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Missing Html Content Design Buttons

"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://www.website.biz/ClientScript/ckeditor362/ckeditor.js"

CKEDITOR is not defined

<script type="text/javascript">var editorctl00_mainContent_edContentinnerEditor = CKEDITOR.replace('ctl00_mainContent_edContentinnerEditor', { customConfig : '/ClientScript/ckeditor-mojoconfig.js' , baseHref : '/', height : 350,skin:'v2',language:'en', contentsCss : '/csshandler.ashx?skin=artisteer31-business2-lyrics-grey-working&amp;s=1&amp;sv=722be78e-6c73-4115-9dc0-8487e3a935c9',bodyClass:'wysiwygeditor' ,filebrowserWindowWidth : 860,filebrowserWindowHeight : 700,filebrowserBrowseUrl:'http://www.website.biz/Dialog/FileDialog.aspx?ed=ck&type=file' ,filebrowserImageBrowseUrl:'http://www.website.biz/Dialog/FileDialog.aspx?ed=ck&type=image' ,filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl:'http://www.website.biz/Dialog/FileDialog.aspx?ed=ck&type=media' ,toolbar:'FullWithTemplates'}); function SetupEditorctl00_mainContent_edContentinnerEditor( editorObj){editorObj.config.stylesCombo_stylesSet = 'mojo:http://www.website.biz/Services/CKeditorStyles.ashx?cb=da1d115b0cb645ce94decb36ffdec137';editorObj.config.templates = 'mojo';editorObj.config.templates_files = ['http://www.website.biz/Services/CKeditorTemplates.ashx?cb=c6bc5826-cf77-48a1-8633-3d8a8fc87ff8'];editorObj.config.templates_replaceContent = false;editorObj.config.smiley_path = '/Data/SiteImages/emoticons/';editorObj.config.extraPlugins='onchange'; editorObj.on( 'change', function(e) {hookupGoodbyePrompt("You have un-saved changes, are you sure you want to leave this page without saving?"); }); }SetupEditorctl00_mainContent_edContentinnerEditor(editorctl00_mainContent_edContentinnerEditor);</script></form>

10/24/2012 5:04:21 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Missing Html Content Design Buttons

Found it. Thanks for the hint about firebug! Very useful.

There was a folder called ckeditor363 not what it was looking for, which was ckeditor362.

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