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10/16/2007 11:51:37 AM
Total Posts 5


Which typically gives better performance with mojoportal - mysql or mssql?


10/16/2007 12:04:52 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Performance

They both give very good performance. I have never done any testing to measure that but given that in both cases the .NET code from the web and the business layer is the same code I would say you can ask that question as "which gives better performance ms sql or mysql" without factoring in mojoPortal as part of the question. Perhaps googling would find some benchmarks of some kind. I think they are both scalable and robust database platforms.


10/21/2007 1:27:24 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Performance

I guess my thought was that mojoPortal doesn't use stored procedures for the MySQL implementation but does for the SQL server implementation.  One may think that using stored procedures would be faster.  I avoid SPs whenever possible because it just creates a whole new layer for me to support.

I have always wondered how much performance improvements are gained by using SPs in the typical application that I'm working with.   Maybe with huge enterprise systems I can see it, but for the typical stuff I work with I don't know.


10/21/2007 5:19:03 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Performance

I agree with you the storred procs are more work to maintain than just having embedded paramterized sql statements and while there may be a performance gain by using stored procs it would be so small that its hard to measure. I guess I've gone down that path with MS SQL because I was raised that way and was always told it was better to use procedures and told people that myself over the years and believed it but over time its less convincing. Still its neither a bad practice either, its just more work but there are some other benefits that may matter in some situations.  For example you can harden an MS SQL installation by using  a user in the connection string with no direct permission on any tables such that they only have exec permission on some stored procs. Of course while this is good for security it will cause inconvenience when upgrading the site because upgrade sripts will fail if they don't have permission to modify the schema so hardening the intallation also leads to manual upgrading instead of automatic. Like you say its more of an issue in "enterprise systems", but you know I do hope entrprises use mojoPortal and I am trying to build it for such. Still, no reason for all developers who make custom features for their own needs to use stored procs unless they see a need for it.

With MySql, I started out with version 3.x of MySql and stored procs are only as of version 5 or newer but I really feel no compelling reason to start using them right now though I reserve the right to change my mind later and start using them I dubt I would ever go back an re-write everything using them thats just make work.




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