Hi. I'm new to this forum and would just like to say how impressed I've been with the whole mojoPortal experience so far! I have only tried mojoPortal recently since it was featured in a newsletter from my web host Pipeten. I managed to make a single-site install using 2-3-9-0-mssql-net40 and everything worked absolutely fine!I even managed to upgrade to 2-3-9-3-mssql-net40 without any problems!
My next task was to try to add another site. Because of webhosting restrictions I am running in Medium Trust, so I understand that I can't run multiple sites on a single web installation. My intention is to run multiple installations of mojoPortal on different domains, but use just one MSSQL database.
My first attempt didn't go so well & I just ended up with the second site displaying the content of the main site. In trying to get things sorted I somehow caused errors on the server & pipeten automatically pulled my main site down. Luckily both sites were 'trials', so I'm probably best wiping the database & starting from scratch.
The documentation states the following:
Considerations for Multiple Physical Web Sites (Multiple Installations of mojoPortal)
If using multiple mojoPortal CMS installations with a single mojoPortal database, configure the second physical web site (installation) with the same database connection string as the first site. The host name you entered for the new site must point to the new site through DNS. mojoPortal uses the host name to determine the siteid from the database; if no host name is configured, the content will appear the same for both sites, since mojoPortal always defaults to the first site when requests arrive from an unconfigured host name.
The first site is the master site as it can control what features are installed in the child sites. If using multiple physical web installations and one database, it is probably best if only the first site has the web.config setting "AllowMultipleSites" set to true.
Can I confirm that I understand this correctly? Once I have set up the first site correctly, if I want to add another installation on a separate domain this is the order I do things:
1. Add a new site via the admin panel of the first site.
2. When the site is added I go to the Host Name Mapping tab & 'Add Host Name' for the new domain (do I need the www. at the beginning?).
3. Then I ftp the new installation onto the new domain (with the correct config settings etc).
4. Then I run setup on the new installation & because I set the domain in the Host Mapping on the main site it recognises the domain & starts a new site instance in the database?
I'm thinking that my mistake was running setup before doing the Host Mapping.
Does this sound right, or am I missing something?