Workflow causing wrong data in editing history (HTML Content)

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9/28/2012 10:43:39 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Workflow causing wrong data in editing history (HTML Content)

I have an HTML Content feature that had been edited by a colleague and left in Draft status. I then edited the text, and clicked Update Draft.

On going back into edit it again, I was surprised to find that my edits were not included in the editing history (I have content versioning switched on as well as workflow).

Also, at the bottom of the feature I see "Modified 28/09/2012 by <my colleague's name>" when in fact only I have edited it today.

I then Published the page, which worked fine, but it was still showing the wrong username on the page and in the history.

Aside: when I hit Publish, I got the popup asking whether I really wanted to navigate away from the page, which didn't seem appropriate - that should only appear when one is abandoning edits I presume.

10/30/2012 1:58:39 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Workflow causing wrong data in editing history (HTML Content)


Sorry for the late reply, I starred this in my inbox a while back knowing it is a thorny problem that I would need to look into before answering.

There is no version history kept for drafts. The version history is created based on the previous live version being saved to history just before publishing the draft so it would show the last mod by user of the content before it was changed

Admittedly not a lot of thought about workflow was made when we added the settings to show created by and last modified by and that really opens a can of worms in terms of complexity. I'm open to change vs how it currently works but its kind of a diffcult thing to decide how it should work and I don't want to add a lot of complexity trying to achieve some "perfect" solution. Maybe those settings should only be used when not using workflow.

Currently the last modified by would be the person who published and the created by would be the person who created the draft. If someone else updates the draft before it gets published do you think that person should be promoted to the created by? Or do you think the last draft editor should be the modified by instead of the person who published it, ie treat publishing as not the last modification? I could probably go along with that using the last mod user of the draft as the last mod user instead of the person who publishes.

But then what should happen on subsequent rounds of draft editing. Should the new draft creator be promoted to created by or just last modified by. Then what if the draft is edited again by a different user before publishing, last one wins? The logic and decisions start to get unwieldy and we have no way of knowing if a draft entails minor changes or a complete rewrite. I think we should always consider it as an update and maybe never change the created by? If its a new article it should probably be done by creating a new instance. It gets to a point where you may be better off not showing those settings and just listing the author who you would like right in the content since whatever I decide the rules should be may not be what you want.

So I'm open to a suggestion of how it should work but I'd like the rules to be simple whatever they are or I'll regret ever adding those settings to show created by and last mod by.

Regarding the editor prompt, that will happen if anything is changed in the editor. I've noticed that in at least one of the editors going into html source view seems to change it even if you make no changes while in there, the editor does some re-formatting of the html so it fires the content changed event of the editor and the prompt happens if you try to leave the page. There isn't really anything I can do about that except maybe complain upstream to the editor developers but I doubt that will do any good.



10/30/2012 4:43:10 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Workflow causing wrong data in editing history (HTML Content)

Hi Joe

I appreciate the complecity here, and I would agree that the person who creates the draft is the creator, and the last editor is the modifier (and I'd see the publisher as irrelevant in this respect). If the content is put back to draft etc I think these are always modifications, never re-setting the creator; as you say, that should be a new instance.

I'd also reiterate that the created/modified display settings are very useful (for our documentation/knowledgebase sites), so I hope this can resolve easily.

11/6/2012 3:15:36 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Workflow causing wrong data in editing history (HTML Content)

I've just uploaded the latest build to the demo site. If you get a chance it would help if you could checkout how its working now for workflow and let me know if you agree it is better or if you find any other issues with it.

There is now also an option in Html Content feature to show the author avatar and an author bio which is a new profile property available to admins, content admins, content authors, and content publisher roles by default. It is only shown if it is populated for the author.



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