I agree and have removed that page. I should have removed it sooner and apologise for the inconvenience.
I tried to support Mono for many years but it never in those years really was reliable enough for important production sites and it was a lot of extra work trying to support it. Back when Mono was under Novell they used to put out a VMWare image of opensuse with mono for every new release of Mono and that made it easier for me to do testing as I'm not a linux super guru. But they no longer provide such and it makes it even more work to setup a test environment. I always had to make separate builds for Mono and the last version of mojoPortal where I did that was version which can still be downloaded but I have no idea if it works with the latest mono. Its hard also to keep supporting it because only a very old version of AjaxControlToolkit works with Mono as far as I know.
My perception is that the Mono guys are more focused on mobile these days and maybe web services to support mobile, but large complex web apps are a difficult challenge, they don't run their own sites on Mono, they use php. Its hard to have confidence in their web stack if they don't eat their own cooking.
Best Regards,