Search a subset of pages

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7/25/2012 12:36:35 PM
Total Posts 21

Search a subset of pages


I was wondering if it's possible to search a subset of pages in MojoPortal? I adminster a pretty large MojoPortal site, and have a request from some of the content administrators who are creating a new section of pages on the website. They would like to know if it's possible to create a search that only searches their section?

I was thinking of how I could implement this without writing a new search module, the only way I could think of is to create a hidden term on the page that would be added to a search box, for example I would have the hidden term sectionsearch on each of the pages within that section, and then create a custom search module or some javascript that appended sectionsearch into the search query before querying MojoPortal's search feature.

Is there a better way of doing this?



7/27/2012 6:35:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Search a subset of pages

Hi Mike,

I don't currently have a solution to recommend for this. I will ponder on it for the future. However I would think something like that needs to be obvious to the user what is being searched or filtered out otherwise it may filter out search results that the user was actually looking for. Unless your pages have duplicate content or the user is searching on very generic terms there should not be so many search results that the user cannot find what they are looking for. While I can understand a section author wanting to see only his own section when searching I'm not sure end users really benefit from that unless there is an obvious mechanism for it like choosing a section from a drop down (which would be a fairly big thing to implement).

One could implement folder based multiple sites with related sites mode so the users and roles are shared, but each site would be like its own section and site search is separate for each site. By using common skins in the sites it should seem all like one site to the user if the sites are linked together in a top menu.

It is also possible to make the search help more prominent so that users can more easily figure out how to refine their search. If you click the help icon on the search rersults page for this site you'll see how to do more advanced search.



7/27/2012 4:14:27 PM
Total Posts 21

Re: Search a subset of pages

Hi Joe-

Thanks for the reply. There's a lot of terms that appear on many pages on our website, just because we have a ton of pages, and because we are we a somewhat focused site that deals with Law Enforcement training, the same terms will appear on many pages.

Part of the reason we are running into these problems is that we're using the MojoPortal CMS for far more than it was originally intended to. We're sort of using it as a Learning Management System (using a combination of the shared files module and the forum modules, slightly modified) and Document Management System (shared files module and custom modules) in addition to its original role as a CMS package. 

This specific page the end user is requesting to be searchable because they are taking a large PDF document and replicating it on the website, so they would like the ability to search the subset of pages on the website that correspond to the pages from that document. 

Your solution of implementing a separate related site for that document would work, I think. Let me think about it some more.

Thanks again for the help.


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