Hi Joe
Setting up Event Calendar Pro on a site has led to a few niggles and feature requests:
On PurchaseTicket.aspx, the Title is rendered as "<title>Purchase Ticket - name of event - name of site</title>" however we have free events and it looks wrong. Could this be changed to a more generic "Register - name of event...."? And I'd prefer it if the .aspx shared that name as well, but that might be a deal breaker.
For various reasons I've had to disappear some lines of data from the registration form, including the pricing row and total price row. The latter was easy as we have "#ctl00_mainContent_pnlOrderTotal" as css selector. However I had a bit of a job disappearing the row that says "Ticket Price: Free" and ended up with having to use pseudo classes (and luck!):
"#ctl00_mainContent_pnlOrder > .settingrow:first-child{ display: none; }"
this does work, but would it be possible to add some more IDs to the setting rows?
Ditto for the Event Details page, where I've had to use "#ctl00_mainContent_eventDetail_pnlRegister > .settingrow:first-child{ display: none; }"
The new "Ticket Requires Notes?" functionality is good, but with one problem. Activating this means the end user must enter something into the text area to register, whereas on my site this is just for any additional details like special dietary requirements. Can we have two settings... "Show Ticket Notes?" and "Require Ticket Notes for Registration?" or similar. (validation regex?).
An apostrophe in the Location Alias breaks the map (I have the pin showing, using Bing Maps).
On PurchaseTicket.aspx, the Location value is displayed instead of the Location Alias. The latter should override the former if present, presumably.
On PurchaseTicket.aspx there is some inconsistency in formatting of row labels. Many have ":" after the label, but Location does not, nor do any of the Customer Information labels.
Registering more than one seat. We need to collect the personal details for each person being registered, while still allowing one transaction. We are using the "Notes" for this, but ideally I'd like to be able to activate an option per Event "Require Customer Information for Each Attendee". This would do just that, perhaps with a list box on the left controlling which record was being displayed, then validation of all.
Related to this, the configuration of which details are displayed and mandatory for entry by the customer is quite coarse. I wonder if there's a case for using the same mechanism as for the Profile? This may raise the bar a little for non-technical users, though there could be a usable default, but could it be a better solution than a spiraling set of properties like "Show suburb" etc.
Good work on release by the way - some nice new stuff, and we can't wait to try out LESS.