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Good morning,
I've noticed that there are 'full' image files in the data/sites/1/useravatar folder that should not be there. In stepping through the code, it appears that the userXXfullsize.jpg image is created, then deleted, then recreated and not deleted. We had an issue with some user's avatars not being sized correctly which is what brought me to checking the code and finding the extra files on the server. Although it doesn't cause any problems with the site, I thought I'd bring it to your attention.
I also wanted to look into gravatars and I created a user account on your demo site to log in as a regular user. I'm not sure if I was supposed to do that or not (the only members are admins) so if I was in error, please feel free to delete the account.
Hi Leslie,
This doesn't seem like a bug to me. It keeps the full size image and allows cropping the image to make the avatar the correct size, but the full size image is retained in case they want to crop it again.
Oh, I see. It makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.