To use icons for the settings and edit links:
In the layout.master file of your skin on the <portal:StyleSheetCombiner control add this attribute: UseTextLinksForFeatureSettings="false"
Then if you want to use different icons than the default ones, put them in the /Data/SiteImages folder and then add this in your user.config file:
<add key="EditPropertiesImage" value="yoursettingsimage.png" />
<add key="EditContentImage" value="youreditimage.png" />
Then touch your web.config file to make it reload settings from user.config
I don't know a good way to replace the home page menu text with an image but you could add a background image using CSS by adding a custom menu css class to the home page from page settings. You could position the image so that it is beside the text instead of behind it.
Hope that helps,