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Hi there,
it's a tiny e
I just found out that whenever you alter or change UseTreeView="false" and TopLevelOnly="True"
A style will take effect (<div class="AspNet-Menu-Horizontal" id="ctl00_SiteMenu1_ctl00" style="float: left; "> )
which is float:left (in case my horizontal menu was floated right the menu will be floated left because of that style)
I would say removing it would be better to keep the original style.
However, if the UseTreeView="true" and TopLevelOnly="false" (default case)
it won't be there.
Thanks. :)
One important thing i need to add is that when you use UseTreeView="false" and TopLevelOnly="True"
the menu uses another classes which I was using for a second horizontal menu :( and now both are using same classes AspNet-Menu-Horizontal
In the default case it does not use AspNet-Menu-Horizontal
now I have to re-arrange my css code :S
This problem is well known and discussed in the article The Trouble with ASP.NET Menu. This is why we usually use TreeView instead of Menu.
Hope that helps,