Sign is does not seem to work on one installation works in another installation

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4/29/2012 11:21:34 AM
Total Posts 12

Sign is does not seem to work on one installation works in another installation

I installed mojoportal-2-3-8-5-mssql-net40 on couple servers. One of the server has windows 2008 R2 with sql 2008. I can sign in as an administrator , perfect. The other server has same mojoportal version on windows 2008R2 with sql 2012 when I use sign in mojoportal puts me back to sign in page but it does not sign in. I confirmed "select loginname, email, pwd from mp_Users" from the database that the user is valid. I ran a profiler on sql server but can't figure out anything from there neither, little stuck over here not being able to login. I tried using sql chrome, internet explorer from couple machines after cleaning temporary files etc also, no luck.

Any suggestions?


4/30/2012 6:15:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Sign is does not seem to work on one installation works in another installation

One possibility I can think of is if you have the requireSSL="true" on the forms element in Web.config and you don't have ssl enabled then cookies will not be passed between the browser and server. This attribute ensures cookies are only passed using SSL.

You'll notice on this site we ahve it configured that way to protect cookies, if you go to a non https url you will not appear to be logged in but if you come back to https the cookies are passed and you are logged in (assuming you have actually logged in)

Hope that helps,


4/30/2012 10:45:14 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Sign is does not seem to work on one installation works in another installation

The setting was requireSSL="true", i changed it to requireSSL="false" and restarted iis, the behavior is the same, I try logging in and after I put the correct user name and password it get sign in page again.

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