This is a forum to suggest new features for mojoPortal.
Basically an element that would just hold the space with nothing showing.
I.e. I am doing three columns with headers..
Date xxxx xxxxx Miles traveled
xxxx From To xxxxx
Truck text elem. text elem. text elem.
Car text elem. text elem. text elem.
van text elem. text elem. text elem.
Where the xx's are an empty element that allows you to flaten the groups and put 2 + groups side by side on the page.
I was currently able to do the above format using and instruction block with just a . in it but the . still shows on the page.
instead of . use one or more no break space:
note that you'll have to enter those in the html source view of the editor.
Hope that helps,
That worked thanks,
<h5> </h5> was required to keep the spacing vertically when the non-empty fields are of type header3
I would not use h elements with empty spaces, that isn't semanticly correct.
If you need to pad it I'd use <span class='spacer'> </span>
then in CSS
span.spacer { display:block; padding 10px; }
adjust the padding to your needs