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Hi all ---
I'm running mojoPortal on a .NET 3.5 machine and I'm trying to get the new Audio Player working.
After I upload an audio file, it begins throwing an error and won't let me access the module's settings anymore.
This only happens in a .NET 3.5 setup. I've done some testing on machines running 4.0 and everything works fine.
Any thoughts?
The new Audio Player was built with .NET 4 and never tested with 3.5. Without the details of the error it may be hard to tell what is causing the issue, but at the same time, it might be safe to assume that it is not backwards compatible with .NET 3.5.
I can't think of any reason why it would not work in .NET 3.5, the markup should be the same in both cases. But as Kerry said there is no way to help without knowing the error details.
Are you talking about a script error on the page or a server side error that you can find in the log? Give details.
Also server configuration for mime types can be an issue as discussed recently on this thread.