General Discussion

This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.

Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Addnew Survey problem volkanp 9205 14 2/23/2010 10:15:45 AM
Training Classes pd_webtech 3134 1 2/23/2010 9:55:16 AM
Joe Audette
Artisteer Support is HUGE - Thank you Rick Hubka 3662 3 2/23/2010 6:07:27 AM
Joe Audette
How to delete old entries in the calendar Matthias 3050 3 2/22/2010 6:00:29 AM
iframe centering issues. Ross 2422 0 2/19/2010 2:01:55 PM
How does one set the Silverlight Gallery/SlideShow Speed/Duration? LemonLunch 2284 0 2/15/2010 11:22:15 AM
Is there any extension or module for mojoPortal to calculate downloads of the file user78 4063 2 2/15/2010 1:47:52 AM
Selling MP3s for download using Paypal Standard (charges for shipping) mknauer 9759 3 2/13/2010 11:03:28 AM
Error: There is not enough space on the disk. pleitch 3501 1 2/13/2010 6:02:32 AM
Joe Audette
Importing newsletter users ahope577 2359 0 2/12/2010 8:40:50 AM
Statistics KentS 2523 0 2/11/2010 2:33:04 PM
Training videos working? LEisenstein 3197 1 2/10/2010 5:21:42 AM
Joe Audette
How do I add another field to the contact form? davenicoll 4057 3 2/2/2010 11:21:06 AM
Joe Davis
locked out (or logged out) pop up traceypee 2163 0 2/2/2010 8:02:53 AM
Pager of Event Calendar Pro - Translation Matthias 2974 2 1/29/2010 3:52:30 AM
Event Calender Pro and Special Character Matthias 2936 2 1/29/2010 3:52:06 AM
When/How do I get my recent purchase of Form Builder? ckincincy 3102 1 1/26/2010 9:34:01 AM
Joe Davis
Feed Manager Issue BidNo 3174 4 1/25/2010 11:29:29 AM
Error displaying some search results Magnetic_dud 3536 2 1/25/2010 10:53:19 AM
Internal commenting system exploited by spammers? Magnetic_dud 3340 2 1/24/2010 2:08:27 PM