Site Administration

If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.

You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.

Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Secure/Forums/Thread.aspx does not exist bobjh 3192 1 1/22/2011 7:00:55 AM
Joe Audette
Links data exchange Phill 3385 5 1/21/2011 9:54:09 AM
Relocate Calendar without loosing data Phill 2572 1 1/20/2011 1:00:50 PM
Registration Page Links Phill 3198 3 1/20/2011 11:08:00 AM
Back up / Restore / Copying between installations subflux 3947 3 1/20/2011 9:37:30 AM
Joe Audette
Export then Import site content lachlanm 7362 11 1/18/2011 1:28:10 PM
Joe Audette
Need help - creating new pages Jbr 2711 1 1/18/2011 9:47:50 AM
Joe Audette
Site Search Index won't rebuild, old content still shows up after it's been deleted. Michael.Hohensee1 3437 1 1/18/2011 9:32:12 AM
Joe Audette
subscribe to newsletter René Halskov 3918 2 1/17/2011 11:59:01 PM
René Halskov
Publish content on multiple pages (limit content from 1 page to another) Phill 2348 0 1/16/2011 4:31:47 PM
How to add a Registration Page? Phill 6607 11 1/16/2011 10:36:21 AM
Limiting pages orann1 2860 1 1/16/2011 7:08:42 AM
Joe Audette
The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration Phill 12506 9 1/15/2011 5:04:49 PM
Error "Could not find the Google Maps API Key in Site Settings or Web.config" swinster 8517 10 1/15/2011 10:34:59 AM
Joe Audette
Feeds Manager, New Window Link nickka 4800 3 1/14/2011 10:34:41 AM
Embedded Spreadsheet superdave144 2805 1 1/14/2011 9:32:08 AM
Joe Audette
List page contents at the top of the page Speedbird186 3321 2 1/14/2011 9:28:41 AM
Joe Davis
Shared Files Scroll bar? smayer 2455 1 1/13/2011 11:02:25 AM
Joe Audette
CKEditor toolbar configuration Dale Hawkins 4930 3 1/11/2011 4:06:34 PM
Joe Audette
Copying a "Links" file from machine to machine? Phill 2351 0 1/11/2011 12:37:19 PM