Installing & Upgrading

Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
install error 6453 11 4/17/2009 8:49:24 AM
Problems at installations iceman-pw 3282 2 4/17/2009 3:46:51 AM
Error - "Could not load assembly" santoshsk 3195 4 4/15/2009 6:10:13 AM
error while hosting on Plesk n 3661 1 4/14/2009 7:08:01 AM
Joe Audette
hosting mojo on Plesk and getting web.config ERROR n 4384 1 4/14/2009 7:05:17 AM
Joe Audette
Auto Login for users on Intranet pigmax 7763 7 4/13/2009 12:33:39 PM
Joe Audette
Could not load type 'Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.AccessSessionPage' DRPayne 3909 1 4/12/2009 1:14:30 PM
Joe Audette
error getting loaded and running on GoDaddy Perry Way 4962 4 4/12/2009 6:52:33 AM
Joe Audette
Configuration error - line 955 jlc 4577 5 4/7/2009 2:53:30 PM
Joe Audette
Problem in Set up abhishek 3729 1 4/7/2009 11:05:32 AM
Asad Samarian
Image gallery error valzero 11515 19 4/5/2009 12:20:40 PM
when i do /Setup/Default.aspx jojo150 5061 7 4/2/2009 7:09:46 PM
web.config error while hosting n 5088 1 4/2/2009 6:39:08 AM
Joe Audette
Problem Installing Event Calendar Pro lrensing 3500 2 3/31/2009 1:47:46 PM
'Order History' tab appears in the user acount settings talesis 3171 1 3/30/2009 6:37:19 AM
Joe Audette
Medium Trust issues in hosting environment with Mojo. howebr 4709 8 3/29/2009 5:07:06 PM
Joe Audette
Install on a VPS Magnetic_dud 3547 6 3/28/2009 3:39:35 AM
Not serving Setup/Default.aspx JacoboPolavieja 3516 2 3/27/2009 3:54:19 AM
Unable to login on medium trust with Godaddy arunakodgi 4389 6 3/26/2009 6:16:31 PM
Blank page after complete setup asoto 4553 4 3/26/2009 1:30:55 PM
Joe Audette