Bug Reports

This is the place to report bugs and get support. When posting in this forum, please always provide as much detail as possible.

Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum, do not report it as a bug.

This is the place to report bugs and get support

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.
Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Blog search is searching all blogs not just the one it is on CrispinF 2225 2 7/29/2014 3:50:22 AM
Form Wizard Pro Notification Template not include UserInfo vsi-spencer 3660 10 7/24/2014 12:57:14 PM
Joe Audette
Error/Bug in Blog Admin pages. Phillip J. 1645 2 7/24/2014 11:28:16 AM
Phillip J.
BLog Calendar does not highlight dates of blog entries. Phillip J. 1469 0 7/23/2014 1:11:28 PM
Phillip J.
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: SubTitle hamidzebel63 2407 3 7/21/2014 7:27:34 AM
Joe Audette
Page Manager Pro : Non-admins can't move pages Eric Stoffers 1893 6 7/19/2014 7:17:12 AM
Joe Audette
Mobile Kit Pro 2.0: No menu display on Win8 Phones Eric Stoffers 2230 5 7/18/2014 9:18:59 PM
Eric Stoffers
Flickr stopped working after 27 June 2014 Flickr goes https comway 3934 11 7/13/2014 4:40:47 PM
Any known errors with Blog module Svein-Martin Holt 1894 3 7/10/2014 8:46:31 AM
Joe Audette
Forcing preferred hostname on multisite seem not to work Lars Rathje 1759 2 7/8/2014 6:52:29 PM
Lars Rathje
Meta Content Profile and Meta Elements in HTML5 CrispinF 1636 0 7/4/2014 9:19:20 AM
after upgrade to now have site setting error digitaliway 1687 3 6/30/2014 1:38:00 PM
Joe Audette
Exception: WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery' dadams 2286 4 6/29/2014 2:59:17 PM
Blog: error on creating or editing posts CrispinF 1979 1 6/29/2014 2:14:04 PM
Joe Audette
Error when viewing Expired Posts Sandy@HH 2303 5 6/26/2014 7:16:22 AM
Joe Audette
Top level menu unclickable not working. lmullan 2271 5 6/25/2014 10:31:00 AM
Joe Audette
Sending Mail is not working in server side but working in local system Swetha Kumari 7464 1 6/24/2014 2:19:43 PM
Joe Davis
CKeditor doesn't appear for IE 11 Karl Harrison 3034 2 6/20/2014 4:14:30 AM
Karl Harrison
Bug when I try to edid Expired Posts in blog alexei.x 2054 2 6/20/2014 12:28:25 AM
Sending Mail is not working in server side but working in local system Swetha Kumari 1735 0 6/16/2014 4:59:29 AM
Swetha Kumari