I'm very happy to announce a new sub project to implement a Project Management Solution based on the principles of the Project Management Institute (PMI), that integrates with mojoPortal.
Thiago Alves will be the Project Manager and Lead Developer for this project.
Read the details of the vision and scope for this project here:
I will also be contributing development effort on this. I met Thiago on the Mono project mailing list and am very excited to be working with him. I had been planning a project management feature for mojoPortal for a long time and when he mentioned that he was planning to implement a Project Management Solution that works with Mono I got very interested. So after talking about the goals for the project, I convinced him to collaborate and build on mojoPortal. This means he can get started right away on the features needed for project management and not have to spend development time on things like role based security, search infrastructure, skinning, and other infrastructure that every site needs.
We are also looking for corporate sponsors who might be interested in sponsoring some of the development for this project. I will be creating a new page on this site soon with information on sponsoring development of features for mojoPortal. The advantage to sponsoring development is that sponsored projects get more priority with development effort and sponsors get strong input on feature requirements to make sure the implemented feature meets their needs. Sponsoring open source development can be much more economical than developing features in house or hiring consultants to build custom applications. It could also be more economical if we can get multiple corporate sponsors to contribute, then the sponsorship cost to each can be reduced.
UPDATE: This project never made it past the planning stage.