Hey mojoPortal Community, exciting news!
We've been invited to The 2008 MySQL Conference & Expo. This would be a great opportunity to help promote mojoPortal. Anyone who is interested and able to get to this conference please contact me. It would be great if we could assemble a small team and take turns manning the booth and visiting the sessions. joe dot audette [at] gmail dot com
The most difficult part will be figuring out how to afford to get there and pay for lodging. If anyone would like to donate to help us we would be grateful. See the PayPal link on the left of the home page if you can help. I need to confirm within the next 2 weeks or the free booth will go to another project.

Below are the details from the email I received from MySQL:
"The 2008 MySQL Conference & Expo will take place on April 15rd-18th in Santa
Clara, California (see http://www.mysqlconf.com/ for more details).
As for the last conference, we are arranging a "DotOrg-Pavilion" where we would
like to give Open Source Projects related to or based on the MySQL Server or
other MySQL Products an opportunity to showcase their work.
MySQL AB will provide the booth space (incl. electrical power and Internet
access) as well as free attendance to the conference and exhibitor hall for up
to 4 people per project. In addition, we will provide one full, (shareable)
conference pass per project, that permits access to the tutorials as well as
all other sessions of the conference.
What you will need to bring/prepare:
- Your own computers/demo equipment
- Banners, flyers, other marketing material (e.g. Demo-CDs, Merchandise)
I was wondering if you or somebody else from the MojoPortal Community would be
interested in representing and demonstrating your project there. If you would
like to learn more about this, please contact me directly or the MySQL
Community Relations team at community@mysql.com."
UPDATE 2007-12-02:
Its official we're going to have a booth at this conference and I will be there demoing mojoPortal both on Windows and Linux using MySQL.
If anyone lives close enough to make it to Santa Clara and could help me man the booth it would be great. Its going to be difficult if I have to man it all by myself. We can get passes to the event for up to 3 more people so getting in is free. Plenty of time between now and then so I'm counting on recruiting some help. Let me know if you're interested in helping.
Huge Thanks to Todd Stone who donated $100 through PayPal to help make this possible!
We still could use some help raising funds to make this trip and jazz up the booth.
I'll be bringing 2 good laptops, one for demoing on Windows and one for demoing on Linux with Mono. I'm going to look into renting a couple of reasonably large monitors somewhere local to the event (unless someone local wants to volunteer to lend them) as I can't see trying to bring them.
This will be an exciting chance to bring more visibility to mojoPortal and I plan to make the most of it.