Just a quick post to highlight a few cool mojPortal sites that have com to my attention recently.
12th Street Sports Bar - Tim Cartwright of US Interactive did a great job with this site for the show on Fox College Sports TV Channel.

b square, a site designed by TEAK. Notice that they implemented multiple languages and a cool language switcher and this was done with no changes to the core of mojoPortal.

Yamisee.com designed by David Dean, as David describes the site, "Yamisee.com is a new concept that allows anyone who is an expert in a field to easily post course descriptions, and deliver live content in unique virtual rooms. The site is not even at an alpha stage, but early adopters can register and launch instant meetings or schedule online meetings for free. It's a webex like experience (that part is not mojo), with enhanced meeting rooms that allow for visual, non-verbal feedback coming soon."

Antioch Community Church designed by Joe Davis of i7 Media. I really like the menu design with 2 levels of horizontal menus. Joe has even made a free skin available to the community with a menu design like this.

Adamson UAE, submitted to our Success Stories Forum just this morning has a very nice design.

cmstream.net is a site brought to my attention recently. The most interesting thing is that the site is running on Linux using Mono.

If you're doing cool things with mojoPortal let us know, we'd love to hear from you.
On a side note, this site is running the latest code testing new features for the coming release. As you'll notice for this blog post I'm now using IntenseDebate for the comments. I've also implemented support for Disqus so you will have a choice to use that as well though I'm currently finding some issues with Disqus that I'm hoping they can fix on their end or advise me on what I can do. I've added a new setting in the blog where you can choose the comment system with options Internal, IntenseDebate, and Disqus. I also implemented it such that if you have existing posts with comments already made using the internal comment system, those posts will continue to use the internal comment system but new posts will use the currently selected comment system. So this is my first post using IntenseDebate. I look forward to seeing if this increases the amount of comments or not.