Running on the new server is now running on a new server hosted by I highly recommend them.  The level of customer support in getting my sites setup was outstanding.

It seems like a small operation but sometimes its better to shop at a boutique than at Walmart.  They specialize in customized configuration to meet your needs and my impression is that they know what they are doing and are very responsive on support.  I've been very pleased with the service.

For $14.95/month I get :

  • ssh access
  • my own instance of apache that I can start and stop as needed which is nice when you are updating a site running on mono.
  • mono 1.1.7
  • ssl
  • smtp
  • awstats
  • 2 databases (I got 1 each of MySQL and PostgreSQL)
  • 5 domains
  • unlimited hosts within a domain
  • 384 MB disk space
  • 15 Gigs of monthly transfer

You really should check their site for more packages and features, I'm only listing the ones I'm using.

Right now I'm only using the MySQL db, using mojoPortal, I am running both and from the same web folder and using the same db.

I'm going to setup some other sites and my demo site using the PostgreSQL db. At the moment the demo sites are still running on the old server.

I have to also mention another hosting company that provides Windows hosting.

SeekDotNet hosting company is also the provider of a free open source ASP.NET file manager that is used in mojoportal.  Since all the page says is "Free and Open Source", I emailed them just to make sure it was ok to distribute the file manager with mojoportal.  They were very gracious, they gave me permission and also offered me sponsored hosting for mojoportal. Sponsored hosting is very generous offer that I appreciated wholeheartedly but nevertheless declined, hope it didn't offend them, but I feel it is very important for to be running on mono.  That is after all one of the most important features that mojoPortal has to offer. Of couse mojoPortal can run on Windows and for those who would like Windows hosting, I do recommend you checkout SeekDotNet, they do have some of the best package prices I've seen anywhere and they seem like very nice folk.



re: Running on the new server

Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:04:49 AM
Seems faster on the new server!
Dean Brettle

re: Running on the new server

Sunday, May 15, 2005 4:15:51 PM
Hi Joe,

Congrats on the move!  FYI, SSL access doesn't seem to be working:

gives a dialog saying there was a -12281 error.

I'm not sure whether provides SSL access (it isn't advertised on their site), but if it is available, it would definitely require a different port than for regular HTTP access.  In your case, you seem to be trying to use port 8046 for both at the moment.  Speaking of which, your URLs currently contain the port number.  Not sure if you are running a build without the fix for that, or if there is something else going on.



re: Running on the new server

Monday, May 16, 2005 2:28:20 AM

SSL is working for me on the login, register and profile pages. I just logged out and back in with no problem. At least one other user has been able to login and post in the forums.

You are correct that it doesn't use the ports you would expect. Its because the ssl is at the proxy level not at apache.  I'm not seeing the ports in my urls either. I'll check it form a different browser when I get to work.



re: Running on the new server

Monday, May 16, 2005 2:29:57 AM
Wait I take it back, I am seeing the ports in the urls. I'll look into it this evening. Still works.
Dean Brettle

re: Running on the new server

Monday, May 16, 2005 5:15:29 AM
I found the problem.  The RSS feed still contains port numbers.  I only have the problem when I use the URL in the RSS feed.



re: Running on the new server

Monday, May 16, 2005 4:10:45 PM
I fixed the feed and commited it to svn.

Thanks for letting me know.
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