Now from Charlotte, NC

I've completed my move to Charlotte. Still doing some unpacking and settling in but I have my machines all up and running and getting back to some mojoPortal development. I still haven't closed on my house in TN so I have to go back probably for a day sometime next week.

I'm still currently working full time for Integration Management of Brentwood TN until November 15. After that I will still be doing some work for them but mainly launching Source Tree Solutions so I can devote more time to advancing mojoPortal. I'm very excited and full of ideas to take mojoPortal to the next level.

Wish I could have made it up to the Mono Meeting but at least got to watch some of it thanks to the guys at Mono-Cast.


re: Now from Charlotte, NC

Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:46:38 PM
Glad to hear you're getting settled in!  Hadn't heard anything for a few days, so I was worried you weren't getting connected :)

re: Now from Charlotte, NC

Sunday, October 29, 2006 12:34:06 PM
Yeah its hard to believe I've been here a week already, it only feels like a couple of days since I got here.
Starting to feel at home now that all of my machines are up and going. The first night I had connectivity with my laptop but it took a few days before I had the energy to blog. :)
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