I'm happy to announce that thanks to your nominations, mojoPortal is a Finalist in the 2009 Open Source CMS Award sponsored by Packt Publishing.
So now we are in the voting stage and we need your vote. Don't be confused and think you already voted, that was just the nomination phase.

The Voting Stage ends on October 30, 2009 and winners will be announced on November 9, 2009, so please vote today. The award will be decided partly by voting and partly by judges who will vote based on their own evaluations.
We are competing for the "Best Other Open Source CMS Award", where "Other" means non-PHP technology. We won this category in 2007 and were a finalist in 2008. mojoPortal has improved so much over the last 2 years that I hope we can do well again this year, but to the extent that voting is involved its an uphill battle competing against projects with larger communities who may be able to generate more votes. So I hope you all will take a minute to cast your vote.