mojoPortal Released

I'm happy to announce the release of mojoPortal, available now on our download page.

Whats' New

Easy content animation/slide shows

Our Html Content feature now has content animation built in. You can enable it in the settings of an Html Content instance and it will create a slide show based on the content using cool transitions that you can also configure in the settings. The animation uses the jQuery Cycle Plugin. It can rotate images paragraphs or any html content. People often ask how to rotate images in their custom skins, so I've also added image rotation in the andreasvicklund-02-alt2 skin to give an example how to do this.

Integrated Image Cropping

We now have easy to use image cropping built into the image browser/uploader in our editors. We also have image cropping integrated into the user uploaded avatar system so users can upload a larger image then crop it to create their avatar. We used the jQuery jCrop plugin to implement the user interface for cropping.

screen shot of image cropper

Integrated Twitter Widgets

We now have built in widgets that can be used to show your tweets or twitter search results.

screen shot of twitter search widget

New Configuration file for TinyMCE

Due to community requests to have more control over which plugins and toolbar items are displayed, I've implemented an xml config file that gives you control over these items. The file mojoTinyMCE.config located in the root is used by default. To customize it you should copy and rename this file then change the setting in Web.config to point to your custom file.

Bulk Image Upload in the Image Gallery

We added bulk upload to the Folder Gallery in the last release and users have been asking for the same thing in the other Image Gallery so we have added it there as well.

Usability Improvements

Also due to community feedback and my own observation from support questions, the use of the gear icon for feature instance settings was changed to use a text link by default. Those who prefer the icons can add this to their user.config file to override the new default.
<add key="UseTextLinksForFeatureSettings" value="false" />
I wanted to make the same default change to use text links also for the main administration links but I found that forcing it globally could affect the layout of existing custom skins, so I kept the default to use the icons but added an option that can be specified on the StyleSheetCombiner control in the layout.master file of a skin to specify whether to use icons or text links:
<portal:StyleSheetCombiner id="StyleSheetCombiner" runat="server" UseIconsForAdminLinks="false" />
The default setting is to use icons, but for most of the included skins I changed it to use text links and updated the skin layout so that the text links could render without affecting the layout. Note that if you are upgrading and want to use the latest versions of the skins you will need to copy them from /Data/skins to /Data/Sites/1/skins after upgrading because we only update the skins in the library not in individual sites.


Updated Italian resources thanks to Diego Mora

Updated Spanish resources thanks to Matias Molleja

Various bug fixes for things reported in the forums since the last release.

vote for mojoPortal in the 2009 CMS Awards

Gravatar Joe Audette is the founder of the mojoPortal project and was the primary developer until February 2017.